Honibe's Honey Journey Begins With Honeybees

Have you ever wondered about how and where honey comes from? Honeybees of course! But there's more to it than that...

We'll do our best to unravel the mysteries surrounding these industrious insects and explore how they transform nectar into the golden elixir known as honey. Join us as we shine a spotlight on the remarkable world of bees and their invaluable contribution to our world.

    Interesting Facts About Honeybees

    The world of a honeybee is quite fascinating. Did you know that:

    • Honeybees are highly social insects, living in colonies that can contain thousands of individuals.
    • The queen honeybee is the largest honeybee in the colony and is responsible for laying all the eggs.
    • Worker honeybees, which are all female, perform a variety of tasks such as foraging for nectar and pollen, caring for the brood, and maintaining the hive.
    • Male honeybees, called drones, have the sole purpose of mating with the queen bee.
    • Honeybees communicate with each other through a complex system of dances and pheromones.
    • Honeybees play a crucial role in pollinating flowering plants, including many crops that humans rely on for food.
    • Beeswax, produced by honeybees, is used to construct the hexagonal cells of the hive and seal honey inside.

    At Honibe, real honey is the #1 ingredient in everything we make.

    How Honey Gets Made

    Delve into the enchanting process of honey-making, where nature's alchemy transforms nectar into liquid gold:

    1. Forager honeybees collect nectar from flowers using their long tongues.
    2. Back at the hive, the forager honeybee passes the nectar to a hive honeybee.
    3. Hive honeybees add enzymes to the nectar and deposit it into a honeycomb cell.
    4. Bees fan their wings over the nectar to evaporate moisture, thickening it.
    5. Once thickened, bees cap the cell with beeswax to seal it.
    6. The capped honeycomb is left until needed as food for the colony.

    This intricate process showcases the ingenuity and teamwork of honeybees, resulting in the creation of one of nature's most cherished treasures.

    Have a Question?

    Have a question about bees or honey buzzing in your head? Ask one of Honibe's experts and we'll do our best to get you an answer.

    More Fun Factoids About Bees

    • Honeybees are the only insect that produces food eaten by humans.
    • A typical beehive can house anywhere from 20,000 to 80,000 bees.
    • To produce just one pound of honey, bees must visit over two million flowers.
    • Honeybees communicate with one another by dancing. This "waggle dance" informs other bees about the location of food sources.
    • Honeybees have five eyes: two large compound eyes and three smaller eyes on top of their heads.
    • A single worker bee produces only about 1/12th of a teaspoon of honey in her lifetime.
    • Honeybees are responsible for pollinating approximately one-third of all the food crops we consume.
    • Beeswax, which honeybees produce to build their hives, has numerous industrial and cosmetic uses beyond just making candles.