Pollinator Week is an annual event celebrated internationally in support of pollinator health. It’s a time to celebrate pollinators and spread the word about what we can do to protect them. To help support our local pollinators, including our favourites, the bees, Honibe is hosting the 4th annual FREE Flower Giveaway on Saturday, June 22, 2024, from our Honibe HQ on PEI!
We will be giving away flowers for you to plant in your garden to the first 500 vehicles that come through the drive-thru. Join us at 20 Innovation Way, Charlottetown starting at 9:00 am while supplies last.

Fun Facts:
- There are over 800 types of wild bees in Canada
- We wouldn't have blueberries, coffee, or chocolate with pollinators
- Bees are vegetarians
- About 90% of wildflowers need bees
- Bees have 'grocery bags', special hairs and pouches, to carry pollen and nectar home to their young
- Bees have 4 wings
- Only female bees can sting (and most don't want to)
- Most wild bees live on their own, not in colonies like honey bees
- Bees visit 50 to 100 flowers on each trip out of their nest
- Most wild bees only live for one year, and most of the time they are babies in their nests
- Bees beat their wings thousands of times per minute, making a buzzing sound
- bees see in the ultraviolet spectrum
- bees have 5 eyes
- 70% of bees live in nests underground
- 30% of bees live in cavity nests
- 87 of the top 128 Global food crops rely on pollination.
- 1/3 of the food we eat relies on animal pollination.
- There are over 4000 bee species native to North America
- There are 20,000 bee species worldwide
- Lizards can be pollinators
- Moths are important pollinators at night
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